
Video: IAF Bombs Mosque Full of Bombs

Sunlight1/01/2009 12:34:32 pm PST

re: #152 buzzdroid

i would like to add to that - thanks Charles , and you fellow lizards.

My PRIMARY source of news on the Gaza war is LGF now. and i’m what you call a “news junkie” - but i’ve totally given up on the MSM coverage which is portraying fascist Nazi scum like Hamas as somehow morally equivalent to the Israeli nation. I’m sorry MSM - i’ve had enough. You destroyed yourself with the Hez war - and hears hoping that even MORE folks get that message with the Gaza war.

Exactly. We need more and more to look to LGF (which has proven its dedication to finding facts and reworking positions, etc. based on the facts as they are dug up) and like minded sources for their news. I can’t even imagine how I would be viewing the world if I had never found LGF.