
Sign of the Apocalypse: LGF Agrees with Balloon Juice

pink freud2/01/2009 12:54:10 pm PST

re: #135 Alberta Oil Peon

All I can say is: “So what?” He’s an athlete, fer Pete’s sake. He produces absolutely zilch, nada. He isn’t riding in the flight deck of a 747 with the lives of hundreds of people in his care. He doesn’t do open-heart surgery on newborn babies. He doesn’t even deliver pizzas, although he’s probably qualified to do so.

All he does is provide entertainment for people, and if he goes down, there will be another spring up to take his place.

Frankly, we all know that pot is not a performance-enhancing drug, if anything, the contrary is true. As long as there is no residue in his system at the time of a competition, it should, by logic, be a non-issue with the I.O.C.

Yes, for Pete’s sake, he’s an athlete. His endorsers (to the tune of millions), I doubt would be quite so nonchalant about what he does or does not produce. They bank (and rightfully so) on the very thing that you so casually dismiss ….his iconic popularity, which coincidentally, is based on sports, which is further (coincidentally) based on a healthy mind and body.

To track if for you linearly, guy is sports hero, guy is admired and revered by impressionable adolescents, guy smokes pot, impressionable adolescents emulate their hero.

Now if he were an icon of say ….your age group, I would say good on ya, have fun. But he’s not.

Or, are you saying that it’s a good thing for kids to have heroes who are stoners?