
Poll: Was Palin's Resignation a Smart Move?

Occasional Reader8/18/2009 2:15:11 pm PDT

OT: IBD editorial on the vast shale energy supplies waiting to be tapped in New York State, but for the usual hyper-green Luddite. Complete with inadvertent Battlestar Galactica curse words!

Robert Kennedy Jr.’s Riverkeeper and other greenie groups object to the means of extracting gas and oil from shale — a technique known as fracking.

Fracking involves injecting water, with sand and other additives, into the rock to push the gas into accessible pockets. Improvements in technology allow drilling horizontally from a single, above-ground well, reducing the above-ground hit on the environment.

Kennedy and the rest of the fracking opposition say that since the technique uses a lot of water, we should worry about possible groundwater pollution and the impact on water supplies, rivers and streams. Proximity of the Marcellus formation to New York City’s watershed has caused concern.

Roger Willis, owner of a hydraulic fracturing company in the Pennsylvania town of Meadville, says thousands of frack jobs have been done on rock formations above and below the Marcellus shale in New York state with no aquifer damage.

The new fracking technology allows access to deeper, denser shale. “These are surgical operations utilizing the most advanced drilling technology known to man,” Tom Price, senior vice president of Chesapeake Energy, told lawmakers at a recent hearing in Albany.



/hat tip: Instapundit