
Dobson: 'America Is In Greater Danger Than At Any Time Since the Civil War'

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus10/11/2009 7:42:13 pm PDT

re: #5 Charles

… because Dobson was going to tell them not to vote for McCain because of his moderate stance on abortion.

Abortion was not, IMO, the breaking point here for Dobson to explicitly reject McCain. McCain had a fairly “pro-life” voting record, enough so that he would score very well on many pro-life “scorecards.”

So when Dobson came out so strongly against McCain I was puzzled… after all, abortion is Dobson’s signature issue, isn’t it?

I concluded that Dobson rejected McCain because he knew that he (Dobson, along with his fellow CNP members) could not control McCain; that is, McCain was/is clearly part of the “club” in the Senate and will work with those across the isle readily.

Dobson wants (it appears to me) an ideologue in the White House, and ideologue whose belief system is an accord with the CNP and who will readily listen to the CNP’s position on issues. McCain is too much of a wildcard to fit that role.