
BP Covering Up Spill's Effects?

Bagua6/02/2010 2:01:52 pm PDT

re: #133 windsagio

The problem is still that its avoidable (Barring corporate corner-cutting and malfeasance) but not repairable. “Drill, baby, Drill!” leads us to the risk of inescapable situations like this.

Are you mad? Political slogans were utterly irrelevant. This was a technical balls up, not a choice.

re: #141 windsagio

The whole point here is that they’ve shown they can’t effectively stop the leak. It’d be freakin’ foolish to not wait until they prove they can.

That I have said myself. It is a brave decision, as it will have a devastating economic effect and could cost Obama the next election. But note that I have modified this position as I have come to the opinion that this was entirely preventable with current technology just by ruling out the controversial steps that BP took with this well.

It would be possible to rule out completely this type of failure while newer BOPs and containment devises are being designed. A ban will damage the Gulf economy far more than the expected impact on the fishing. And not for a year or two, but for a decade.