
Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller Lie About "Muslim Mob" Attacking Jews in Australia

Distilled7811/04/2013 2:24:40 pm PST


I’m a regular on Daily Kos, and yes I agree that Mondoweiss is anti-semitic not just their articles but what they promote on their comments. I also agree that LoonWatch is an anti-semitc site. who runs it? At least we know Mondoweiss, Silverstein and othes are self hating, and Ali abunima is a notorious Israel critic and anti semite. And I am surprised that Loon Watch is being promoted here. If I recall they attack moderate muslims like Tarek Fatah and Asra Nomani as self hating Muslims while promoting self hating Jews like Mondoweiss, Silverstein etc. They do also promote islamist muslims whilst denouncing moderates. Ali Abunima is just one.

This first blog monitors hate on the internet. Franklin Lamb is another anti-semite self hating Jew Loon Watch promoted. The second blog is a relatively new one but has some interesting exposures about Loon Watch and their Islamist tendencies.

Loonwatch Supports Another Anti-Semite

Loon Watch’s Ilisha Recommends American Saudi Blogger Who Claims Netanyahu and Obama Orchestrated Terror Attacks to Blame Islam