
Glenn Beck Thinks His Network Is Led by "A Higher Power"

wrenchwench3/20/2014 10:21:34 am PDT

“When Laura, Jeremy and I first decided
that we were going to form this organization - even before we talked to Pierre and once we did - we put as literally one of top goals that we were going to be more diverse than every other media organization of similar size and stature,” Greenwald says.

The first wave of hires didn’t reflect this desire, Greenwald acknowledges. The Intercept ended up launching a few months earlier than originally intended - Greenwald and company wanted to get more reporting on those NSA documents out there - before it was fully staffed, and the staff it did have happened to be mostly white men.

“I was so disappointed, and I think - I know that Laura and Jeremy were, too — that at launch we just did not have the diversity that we intended to have and that we will have, because I felt like that was a really important opportunity to send the opposite message,” Greenwald says. “Ideally we would’ve launched, in a perfect world, in like May or June and been vastly more diverse. But we will be, and shortly.”


“The reality is with small efforts you can put together a top-notch staff that’s diverse,” Greenwald says. “If all you’re going to do is say, ‘I’m looking at the New York Times and the Washington Post and AP and the Wall Street Journal and NBC,’ you’re going to end up thinking, oh my god, there’s a dearth of good women national security reporters because all those places are predominantly male.”


Emphasis added.

If the effort needed is small, the part about not having enough time is bullshit, or the part about ‘literally one of top goals’ is bullshit. Or it’s all bullshit.