
New Year's Eve Weirdness: La Chica, "Oasis"

Barefoot Grin12/31/2015 1:29:56 pm PST

I just spent 18 hours changing radio stations while driving (yes, I could have listened to my iPod, but I’m an idiot like that). If there is a war on Christians, you wouldn’t know it from a scan of our airwaves. Jesus F’ing Christ. My favorite was a brief blip from a sermon as I punched the button: “I couldn’t find my pry bar. So I said a little prayer and I asked God to help me find my pry bar. And when I opened my eyes and turned around, there it was! My pry bar was on top of the garbage can….” [punches button; gets Christian rock; punches button again, searches in vain for Imam on the radio]