
"Response to the Pope" - a Poem by ​Donald Trump

Amory Blaine2/18/2016 3:42:34 pm PST

Scott Walker signs bills reducing funding for Planned Parenthood

Gov. Scott Walker signed two bills Thursday that cut by several million dollars a year the amount of public money that goes to Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin.

“We want to make sure as taxpayers whether it’s state funds or federal funds that come through the State of Wisconsin that they’re used in the way that’s responsible and reasonable,” Walker said before signing the bills, which he emphasized would withhold money to “controversial entities like Planned Parenthood.”

One bill restricts how much Planned Parenthood can be reimbursed for prescription drugs, stripping it of an estimated $4 million a year, according to Planned Parenthood. A second measure is expected to cut another $3.5 million in government payments to Planned Parenthood because it provides abortions.

Walker signed the bills at Life’s Connection, a clinic in Waukesha specializing in abortion alternatives.