
Trump's Total Ban on Muslims Is Back on His Website

lawhawk11/10/2016 12:48:07 pm PST

Whoever runs the DNC next has a huge job ahead of them. Not only reforging the GOTV from the base up, but making sure that candidates get support from the ground level. That’s where winning back Congress and ultimately the WH comes from.

It means making inroads in Middle America and fighting to get back rural areas of places like PA, WI, IN, OH, and even FL. These are Congressional districts you can’t just write off.

Next DNC chair needs to be a full time gig. Someone who is ruthless - and yes - that also means not letting outsiders run on the Democratic party ticket. Sorry Bernie bros. You don’t get to screw over the Democrats again. Bernie was according a privilege to run, and the Democrats got screwed because of it.

Lifelong Democrats were pissed that Bernie got to run without putting in the time and effort in growing the party from within. He doesn’t get a pass, and he certainly didn’t deserve the respect of party insiders.

And Bernie supporters think they could just rule the roost without putting in any of the work and effort either and force their agenda onto lifelong Democrats. That wasn’t going to end well either.