
Seth Meyers: Trump Combines Cruel Immigration Policies With Broken Promises

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus8/15/2019 1:33:05 am PDT

Corbyn screws up:

Daily Briefing: Corbyn’s bid to block no-deal Brexit viewed warily

British opposition leader Jeremy Corbyn has urged lawmakers across the spectrum, including rebels in the ruling Conservative Party, to help block a no-deal Brexit by bringing down Boris Johnson and installing him as leader of a caretaker government.

Problem is that the non-Labour folk are, naturally, balking at this:

Lib Dems reject plan to make Jeremy Corbyn PM to block no-deal Brexit as ‘nonsense’

But Ms Swinson was quick to dismiss the idea, which would involve a “strictly time-limited” Labour administration until a general election, saying Mr Corbyn was not the right man for the job.

” Jeremy Corbyn is not the person who is going to be able to build an even temporary majority in the House of Commons for this task - I would expect there are people in his own party and indeed the necessary Conservative backbenchers who would be unwilling to support him,” she said.

“It is a nonsense.”

The UK is suffering from sclerotic political parties.