
The Bob Cesca Podcast: The Chosen One

bratwurst8/23/2019 12:47:36 pm PDT

I was very angry earlier this week that the President of the United States saw fit to whip up hatred toward me and my family by calling us “disloyal” for daring to see the situation in Israel differently than he and Netanyahu do.

Today I am downright frightened. What he’s done today to throw the market into panic not only fucks with the ability of millions of Americans to retire, it shows a shocking (yes, even for him) lack of judgement that indicates a dangerous level of delusion. I hate to insult people suffering from mental illness by calling Trump mentally ill, but the man is not even close to being fit for office.

This is a new level of panic for me. It’s beyond time for the 25th Amendment to be invoked. I am sincerely concerned that our country and our world cannot deal with even another 18 months of this.