
The Bob Cesca Podcast: Captain Sunshine

Mattand4/01/2022 1:11:58 pm PDT

re: #14 Charles Johnson

Do I have to read that WaPo HBL story? I mean, I like to keep up on current events but my eyes are now glazing over at the mere thought of reading any more right wing bullshit filtered and given a facade of credibility through the media. Do I really have to?

I’m guessing HBL is “Hunter Biden Laptop”, and not “Humorous Balloon Llamas”?

I web surfing on my phone the other day, and I swear I saw CNN not only post a “The Hunter Biden story is more serious than you think” story, but it was practically a headline.

When I went back later to CNN on my actual computer, I could not find hide nor hair of it. Kinda wondering if I severely misread or straight-up imagined it, but giving credence to this Hunter Biden nonsense is right in CNN’s both sides wheelhouse.