
UN Schools Notorious for Shielding Terrorists

Eagle1/06/2009 11:01:32 am PST

Sorta OT:

If I hear the term “proportional response” one more time, I am going to be sick. What is this fluff that enemy actions during war should only be responded to with an equivalent action?

What.utter.nonsense. Wake up! To have proportional responses means you are granting the enemy the future opportunity to defeat you. A disproportionate response means to completely overwhelm those who attacked you, such that they have zero chance of further attack.

What is with these people who encourage proportional response? They want to encourage future conflict?

You want the enemy to have zero chance of winning. When has war been a game based on a level playing field? Don’t they see that war is not about responding to actions, but removing the capacity of action - from those that would harm you?

I am sick of hearing “peace demonstrators” say that Hamas had merely “fired a few rockets”. Sick!

Honcos, all of them.