
Evening Newscasts Have Covered Hussein More Than Bush & Bubba Combined

pink freud4/28/2009 10:13:25 am PDT

The name “Hussein” called a stir globally. You mention “drawing attention to the ethnic origins of the name”. You imply this is a measure of bigotry. If this is a measure of bigotry then - by your standards - the thousands of Facebook users who changed their facebook names to Hussein are also bigots.

You say “this Hussein nonsense needs to be called out.” Why? The controversy was started by the man himself. He is a racist, a divider of grand proportions. My facebook example coupled with the “other side” using it in exactly the same wayby drawing attention to the name — is just what it is. It is reaction from both sides by a man who seeks to divide. Who are you to decide which use is “nonsense”.

Time magazine wrote the following entitled article: Why Is Obama’s Middle Name Taboo?

Maybe it will help to explain to you what we were speaking of upthread.

And then here’s the turnaround: Obama Embraces His Middle Name: Hussein

You say this was not a publicized matter. It was. My sources are Time Magazine and ABC news.

In fact, here’s an excerpt from my above link to drive my point home:

“The fact that Obama did use his middle name will likely be seen in the Muslim world as a friendly gesture, a sign of cultural change in the US approach.”

“Indeed, ABC’s digital correspondent in Islamabad Nick Schifrin notes: “If you talk to anyone here, no matter how poor, it seems they know Barack HUSSEIN Obama became the president of America. They don’t necessarily think his Muslim father will translate into different policies — but they certainly hope so.”

My bottom line, Baier, is that his middle name DOES mean something. ABC’s use of capitalization above makes this irrefutable. You coming on this blog and slamming one of our most cherished lizards (had a bad day, kiddo? hmmm?) does NOTHING to further any civilized discourse over this non-issue. It is undeniable that he has skillfully drawn focus to the name. The results are predictable (as any good community organizer knows).

The man has a Muslim middle name. He has undeniably made sympathetic moves toward those (of Muslim origin) who wish to harm us. His position (and choice of nominees) regarding Israel is frightening. We take offense. Others don’t. This is called “the real world”. We use the middle name and you somehow feel it is your duty to “call out” the person who used it.

Perhaps the bigotry is in your own mind.