
Texas Gets Another Creationist School Board Leader

Sharmuta7/12/2009 1:15:41 pm PDT

re: #8 SixDegrees

Don’t worry. Once they’re done with biology classes, the fundies will fix the civics curriculum as well.

I thought that was the point- they already are “fixing” it. Civics is gone, now replaced by “social studies” and maybe a class on government. But those aren’t the same things. Hell- American History classes are already a joke. The creationists are already targeting the Founders and the Birth of this Nation for revisionism- I’ve seen it here at LGF. They’re already passing around frauds as facts about our Founders! This outrages me. Maybe even more than the BS with biology. Don’t tell me Benjamin Franklin was looking to establish a “Christian Nation”. It’s a lie and an outrage.