
Beach 56

iceweasel1/12/2010 12:03:55 am PST

re: #12 Firstinla

I don’t know how to do the link thing yet. I just read an interesting blurb about the Doomsday Clock scheduled to reset on Thursday. The clock may move either forward or backward, depending on the world condition at the time. I’d never heard of it before. The report was on MSNBC.

Here you go:
Doomsday clock to change on Jan. 14
Will the minute hand move forward or backward?

The minute hand of the famous Doomsday Clock is set to move this Thursday, and for the first time, anyone with Internet access can watch. Which way the hand will move and by how much have not been made public.

The event will take place at 10 a.m. EST on Jan. 14 at the New York Academy of Sciences Building in New York City. While the actual clock is housed at the Bulletin of Atomic Sciences offices in Chicago, Ill., a representation of the clock will be changed at Thursday’s news conference. (You can watch the live Web feed at

It’s cool that there will be a live Web feed for it. Maybe we’ll have an open thread here to watch it.