
What's New on Ron Paul's Website?

wrenchwench3/04/2010 2:11:48 pm PST

re: #1 Alouette

Well, at least they are flocking to Laup Nor and not to the “mainstream” GOP…for now.

48 hour rule before they start flocking to the GOP.

Paulians are all over the GOP website. [Click the “blog” tab, scroll to third article. It’s from Lew Rockwell dot com.] I don’t think they show themselves to be as unhinged as the examples Adam Holland shows from Paul’s own site, but I haven’t scoured the place either.

But the GOP is not responsible, of course.

Please note that any groups created as a result of individuals’ participation in are not official affiliated groups of the Republican National Committee. The Republican National Committee does not control the content posted by groups on and is therefore not responsible for any content posted by such groups.

That’s at the bottom of the linked page.

But wait, there’s more!