
PayPal Shuts Down Pamela Geller

Gus6/12/2010 3:59:31 pm PDT

re: #9 Cato the Elder

Reposted from last thread:

Her latest claim is that Obama has outed himself as a seekrit Moooslim to the foreign minister of Egypt:

Sources? A low-rent “conservative Christian” site named “Web Today” and the print magazine “Israel Today,” a Christian Zionist publication. Sample article in the same issue: “The Third Temple and the Third World War.”

There is nothing too stupid for this woman to believe.

Hint, Pammie: These people are no friends of Israel. But then neither are you, are you, you twit?

What a crack-up:

loyal to the Moslem agenda. He asked that the Moslem world show patience

Yes, be patient world Moslems. It begins as soon as we show Obama the Queen of Diamonds!