
American Front Founder David Lynch Shot to Death

Slap3/04/2011 1:31:50 pm PST

And why am I not surprised that an apologist cropped up?

I posted this yesterday:
(I included the link’s to this biped’s own featured pages at the SPLC and ADL’s websites, if you’re looking for more details….)

Today, yet another story ran in the Sac Bee (It did happen in the Sac area, after all). And it’s loaded with more lovely comments — but this kind of diatribe from one poster is relatively typical:

dave was an dear friend of my husbands and i must say it is sad that we had to lose such an amazing man. he was a white supremacist but he was NOT racist. he just believed in trying to better the white race. it is a shame that we have all of these people who are speaking so negetively on someone that they dont know and never did. he stood only for what he believed in which was the white race. it gives none of u any rite to judge him at all. he should not be condemed for his rite to believe and all that he stood for. leave the judging to the only 1 who has that rite, GOD. if u want to judge or condem anyone judge and condem urselves..In the bible it says thou shall not judge. he was a wonderful person who did more good regardless of any bad. anyone who has anything bad to say about him ought to be ashamed of urselves. speaking hate would make u just as bad as u feel he is rite? dave was very loved by many people and me and my husband are proud to be of those who love and miss him.. he helped so many, including blacks that we all knew, so for all u childish people do us all a favor and keep ur negetive comments to urselves.. thanks.. dave, u will always be in our hearts. we love and miss u dearly

Read more:

The bolding is mine.

The disconnect is all too common. And apparently astonishingly well-developed.
