
Walker's overreach

jamesfirecat4/07/2011 8:06:24 am PDT

re: #9 Buck

It is so funny that you excuse a group that had a majority in BOTH houses and the Presidents pen, and yet somehow they were thwarted by the evil minority republicans by the super weapon filibusters.

Let me explain. IF YOU CAN COUNT, Democrats could have passed anything they wanted IF they had the votes. The Votes had to only come from Democrats. You are drinking the kool aid if you think they had the votes in their own party, but were stymied by republicans.

It is nice to hear you support Unions. However it has been a fact for a long time that both Union and management need to have limits to their power. It has been generally accepted by both side that in the case of Public Service workers, the supposed right to collective bargaining can have limits.

You are a hypocrite if you fail to acknowledge that Democrats and Republicans AND UNIONS have accepted that premise since at least 1978.

It didn’t mean the end to unions then, and it doesn’t now.
It didn’t mean that workers would be abused then, and it doesn’t now.
It didn’t mean the employees would stop paying unions dues then, and it doesn’t now.

Also on the issue of what could and couldn’t be passed…

Al Franken became a Senator on July 7, 2009, Scott Brown became one on February 4, 2010.

Yes there was a six month gap there where if Democrats voted all together they could have passed whatever they wanted.

However they chose instead to focus on healthcare reform over restoring Unions.

Forgive me for refusing to chastise the democrats for doing something which would help the whole country for years to come rather than just the union members of DC…