
Why Sen. Ensign Really Quit: Other Women, At Least One More Staffer

Gus4/23/2011 12:05:43 pm PDT

Such audacity. Calling to amend the Constitution to oppose gay marriage while boinking women behind his wife’s back.

“Sadly, the effort to redefine marriage against the wishes of a majority of the people is, with help from activist judges, succeeding,”

“In order to defend the institution of marriage, uphold the rights of individual states, and maintain the will of the people, I believe we are compelled to amend our country’s constitution.”

“The effort to pass a constitutional amendment reaffirming marriage as being between a man and a woman only is being undertaken strictly as a defense of marriage against the attempt to redefine it and, in the process, weaken it,”

“Marriage is an extremely important institution in this country and protecting it is, in my mind, worth the extraordinary step of amending our constitution.”

Senator Ensign, I didn’t realize that committing adultery was a way for heterosexuals to reaffirm their commitment to their marriages.