
Chuck C. Johnson Trying to Use Twitter to Dox Another Rape Victim

Targetpractice1/22/2015 6:34:22 am PST

re: #156 lawhawk

The whole Mossad angle is interesting. In the past, the Mossad has stayed in the shadows and nonpolitical. But this is a huge departure to openly disagree with the PM on a foreign policy/diplomatic posture.

Netenyahu figures that going to Congress to talk will help with his reelection chances. The latest polling had been finding his party running neck and neck with the opposition in Labor/Hatnuah. But now that Mossad has come out and said that this isn’t a good idea might shift the outcome of the election even further towards the opposition.

It’s revealing as to the backroom dealings with the Netenyahu govt and what they’re willing to do to stay in office, even if it undermines efforts to reign in Iran’s nuclear ambitions.

I’ve seen the suggest put out there that the best thing that the President could do in response to this latest ploy by the GOP is just to refuse to meet with Bibi while he’s in town. That by slamming the door in his face publicly, a message will be sent to Israeli voters that Netanyahu is endangering US-Israeli relations with his warmongering BS. Sure, the wingnuts will go apeshit and the pundits will opine at length about how this makes the President look “anti-Israeli,” but what’s the alternative? A very frosty reception where both sides mime cordial relations when in reality one is using the other to improve his chances at reelection?