
Dueling Town Hall Night, Thread 1

Barefoot Grin2/18/2016 7:20:57 pm PST

re: #148 Reality Based Steve

I had somebody I was talking to try and tell me that Trump and Sanders actually shared a lot of the same positions, were attracting the same groups of voters, and would be an unstoppable ticket together. The person seemed really sincere and serious, but I really hope that they were just trying to troll me. I just looked at them and said “Well, that’s an interesting concept. I’ll have to reflect on it. (because asking “How do they let you leave the house without your name and address on a card around your neck” didn’t seem like the proper course of action)


Great response. We can take on Sanders’ and Clinton’s flaws in constructive debate without character assassination. And I certainly support calls for Sanders to repudiate any foul play by his side just as I will ask Clinton supporters to be alert for the kind of slimey insinuation Bill and Chelsea have tried to slip in. But, after all, it is politics. I know I am naive.