
Bizarre Tweets From Wikileaks Reveal Their True Agenda

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam10/21/2016 5:23:56 am PDT

re: #158 Alyosha

Just watched an hour of Morning Joe in which he and Mika B. were desperately retconning their early kidglove treatment of Trump, representing his refusal to flatly endorse the legitimacy of the electoral system as mere showmanship, avowing that he will ultimately concede if he is defeated and berating those of us who see his unwillingness to commit on that important point for the dire precedent it represents, as foolish.
Stupid question: what the fuck is wrong with them?

A presidential campaign is not a fucking “show,” as the sitting president has pointed out. Showmanship belongs on the theatrical stage, not in front of millions of people at a political debate, which could determine the future of our nation. Joe and Mika are idiots. Of course, I’m preaching to the choir here.