
Judge Rules That Lawsuit Against Trump for Inciting Violence in Louisville Can Proceed

Blind Frog Belly White4/02/2017 3:47:29 pm PDT

re: #148 Major Tom

It has never been about policy. It has always been about sticking it to Liberals.

When was the last time you heard a policy discussion on Hannity, or Limbaugh. It’s always just regurgitating the perceived infallibility of their economic doctrine and first article of faith: the power of tax cuts to the wealthy.

Everything else is about “Look at how the libs heads are exploding.”

I know I’ve mentioned here that The Older Boy has ASD. Someone on my feed liked a post about Trump having them light up the WH in blue for Autism Awareness Day. The post thanked him for his support and gushed about being happy to have him as President. So I said lighting up the WH blue is nice, but it hardly seems like support when your big policy initiatives cut funding for autism-related services and research.

The response? “It’s better than it would be with Clinton!”

My response: Really? In what way? I’m pretty sure a Clinton White House could have found the blue bulbs, too. That, and she wouldn’t have sacrificed autistic kids’ services to give a giant tax cut to the top 1%, or cut money for autism research to build a stupid wall when illegal immigration is declining.

Their response: What r you even doing on my page? Bye bye

Basically, Trump is the savior. Even when he does things that hurt them badly, which they wouldn’t have suffered under Clinton, things are “better’.

But don’t call them stupid.