
The Sleaze Comes Out: Trump Lawyer Michael Cohen Negotiated $1.6 Million Hush Money Deal for Top GOP Fundraiser

makeitstop4/13/2018 12:49:35 pm PDT

Who was wondering what Valerie Plame had to say about the Scooter pardon?

Valerie Plame, the former CIA operative at the center of the case against a former aide to Vice President Dick Cheney, said Friday morning that President Donald Trump’s impending decision to pardon the aide, Lewis “Scooter” Libby, was about no one but Donald Trump.

“This is definitely not about me. It’s absolutely not about Scooter Libby. This is about Donald Trump and his future,” she said Friday appearing on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.” “What he’s putting out there is the idea that you can pardon people for serious crimes against national security. I think he has an audience of three, perhaps more. That would be Paul Manafort, Michael Flynn and Jared Kushner.”

She said the “message” being sent is “you can commit perjury and I will pardon you if it protects me and I deem that you are loyal to me.”

I think she nailed it.