
Songs We Need: Tom Waits, "Hold On"

Scout10/15/2019 5:15:22 pm PDT

Forgive me for going off-topic, but do you folks have any tips on tracking down details of a company, like finding the name of its owner, or CEO, or where it’s physically located?

I went online looking for Windows-compatible software with which I can read both .mobi and .epub files.

And it’s taken me down a rabbit hole, of sorts.

The first entry on google was for products offered by a company called Icecream Apps.

This is their website.

I’ve grown a little paranoid about free software — I have this image of bad actors in places like Russia and China (or anywhere for that matter) using free apps to worm their way in to my digital existence.

So I wanted to see if this outfit at least offers a semblance of legitimacy. But I can’t find out anything, except it is registered in Cyprus, which I think is where disreputable people like porn merchants register.

Icecream Apps Ltd
Agias Phylaxeos, 182, Kofteros Business Center, 201
3083, Limassol, Cyprus

I cannot find a single human name to go with this company. They do Facebook, but it’s just PR. Same with Twitter.

Is this typical?

Is there anyway a simpleton like me can dig deeper?

I picture outfits like this as a group of twentysomethings out to change the world with their killer apps — but if this is so, why is there not one name to go with the company?