
Seth Meyers: Putin Rattles World With Nuclear Threat as Trump Calls Him Smart Again

BigPapa3/01/2022 4:29:25 am PST

The irony of Russia and it’s exploits in various hacking and social media fuckery: they’ve been in a guerilla war online for a long time as architects and vandals, subversives and trolls. But they’re not sophisticated enough to wage a ‘world war’ on social media and control the narrative when everybody else rises up and fights back in unison. Their propaganda and social media presence has gone as well as their Ukrainian invasion.

It’s a huge mistake of him to release photos of large tables with so much space between him and his staff. I’m sure he thinks it makes him look strong but it does the opposite: it makes him look weak, afraid, isolated. Juxtapose that with Zelensky and his comrades.