
Joshua Redman: Tiny Desk Concert

Randall Gross2/11/2024 6:48:24 am PST

re: #158 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

Thre has always been a Cult of Youth, but it really exploded with the Baby Boomer generation, which was not only large, but had a previously unheard-of purchasing power at its disposal.

That began to determine nearly every aspect of fashion and society and of course, popular entertainment, giving rise to the Cult of Artificial Eternal Youth.

I am just glad that my stodgy old generation produced the kind of music and entertainment that has endured until today. My 21-year-old daughter was just jamming out to a My Chemical Romance cover of A Hazy Shade of Winter

What has me worried lately is that there is an “us against them” faction in the last two generations — dissing boomers is joke material to some, but there’s also a movement out there to inspire and ignite actual hate, and you can catch overtones of it in the media.