
Sotomayor on Tape

Daria Emmons5/29/2009 2:06:19 pm PDT

As an aside…

I just want to state publicly that Debbie Schlussel’s commentary on Justice Sotomayor was really my last straw for her. She has been shrill in the past, but this is a new low for her. I still am stunned that she would make up a song about Sotomayor as “Sonia from the block” and compare her to J-Lo.

Sonia Sotomayor is clearly qualified for the job, and certainly more qualified than Barack Obama was qualified to be president. She was picked in part as an affirmative action pick (we all knew that Obama would choose a woman), but that does not render her unqualified. Playing into Hispanic racial stereotypes about big bottoms…unbelievable.

The worst thing is that this sort of behavior only drives Hispanics further to the Dems.

I hope cooler heads and sanity prevails amongst the GOP, and they do not follow Schlussel’s lead.