
Overnight Open Thread

iceweasel6/01/2009 1:49:35 am PDT

re: #153 Iron Fist

A vegan diet, in and of itself, is not sufficient for a human to grow and thrive. In order to maintain health, they need to take vitamin supplements and other supportive measures (protein has to come from somewhere). If this is a choice that an adult makes, then that is their right, even with the potential health consequences. But to put a baby or young child on such a regimen is abuse and/or neglect. It can lead to health problems, and even, as you point out, death.

You are a hundred percent correct. The only problem with a vegan or a vegetarian diet is that you need to know what you’re doing. You have to be taking all the correct nutritional supplements and vitamins and whatever measures.
Also the nutritional demands of infants and young children are vastly different than adults, and some of those demands simply can’t be met while on a vegan diet, regardless of any of those measures. Especially not for babies.