
Colin Powell: The GOP's Afraid of Rush

horse7/28/2009 6:46:40 pm PDT

re: #135 Banner

re: #111 ArmyWife

When I say that if you ‘ignore what he says’ I’m not implying that there are all these rushbots out there that hang on his every word and do exactly what he says, what I -am- saying is that his views reflect the mainstream republican thought. The average man. A lot of people agree with him because they hold those very self same views. Ignoring Rush is like ignoring the barometer. It’s still gonna rain, criticizing it isn’t going to change the weather.

Yeah, but when the barometer is also urinating on the lawn, insulting your neighbors and turning the association against you, it might be time to challenge him on those unacceptable behaviors and get him back on task, or get another barometer.