
Terrorist vs. Terrorist in Gaza

Locker8/15/2009 11:35:43 am PDT

re: #148 zombie

It’s absolutely amazing how nonstop the outrage the Archive generates continuously from the first day I put it online. It’s like one of the major growth industries int he Muslim world is “sitting around in Internet cafes sending hate mail and death threats to the Mohammed Image Archive,” while the more sophisticated “workers” either try to hack into my account and find out where I live or initiate DDOS attacks on my server.

Ok so I’m new and I don’t really know about the Mohammed Image Archive but I do see “nice post again zombie” so I’m interested. This may require me to leave the liberal play book but I would be very interested in this site if it does exist.

My memory is going back to the uproar about the Danish Mohammed Cartoons. Now I may normally strive for peace and understanding but I am very attached to the first amendment rights I enjoy here in the United States. The very first thought I had when I saw all these whack jobs chanting for death over some cartoon was:

“Good! We ought to fill our US pages, papers, magazines and galleries with as much of this stuff as possible. Fuck them. Fuck their bullshit. I can paint a picture of Mohammed sucking my left nut if I want to and you can do FUCK ALL about it!”

Ok so I got that out of my system, it was a nasty flashback. If there is a site which basically says “fuck you” to these whackos by putting up and storing mohammad images I’m all for it. Sign me up.