
McCain's Senior Adviser: Palin Candidacy Would Be 'Catastrophic'

Right Brain10/02/2009 1:11:46 pm PDT

re: #27 Charles

I lost all respect for Sarah Palin (and I didn’t have much left at that point anyway) when she resigned in the middle of her elected term.

You just don’t do that.

And then when she came up with the “death panel” thing, and used her own child to hype this fear-mongering bullshit, that lack of respect went deeply into the negative category.

I’ll never vote for Sarah Palin for anything, ever again.

She lost me at the Katie Couric interview. What was she thinking? Palin was trained as a journalist, spent four years getting a degree in journalism, worked as a journalist (OK Sport Journalist) for years; and she had no clue of the sort of questions that would be asked of her? What do you read? What would you do with Russia? Have you ever negotiated a foreign treaty? Exactly what questions was she expecting?