
Anti-AGW 'Expert' in UK Parliament Inquiry: Another Energy Industry Shill

Guanxi883/06/2010 3:42:17 pm PST

re: #149 windsagio

My argument is that (like the tobacco companies, since they’re so convenient) the oil companies are going a bit too far, and are doing it with clear knowledge of what they’re doing.

That’s a whole different piece of cake.

Again - it’s just business. Look, these guys (or their descendants), so far as I know, do not yet have plans to evacuate off-world. They know what’s coming down the pike, and they’re doing what they can to keep revenues up now while they look to future earnings.

Are there some crooked and shady dealings and folk involved in it? Of course there are, and there’s a lot of dishonesty in the “research” and advocacy they fund.

Yeah, they push away with one hand, and with the other, they reach out. It’s, sadly, the way of the world.