
The Methane Apocalypse

albusteve4/08/2010 7:15:19 pm PDT

re: #138 marjoriemoon



Managing nuclear waste: Options considered

Very deep-hole disposal

Another option scientists investigated was disposal in very deep holes: placing high-level radioactive waste containers as deep as about six miles (10,000 meters) underground. At such depths, the radioactivity theoretically could be isolated until it decayed to a safe level.

Very deep-hole disposal was rejected as an option, however. While it would keep radioactive waste below most groundwater, the surrounding rock would have to retain its structure under extreme heat and radiation.

Scientists do not know enough about how radioactive waste would behave under the exceptionally high pressures and temperatures of very deep holes.

right now the stuff is laying around behind chain link fences all over the US…and the feds pay the states to ‘secure’ the waste….this whole issue of storage is a no brainer