
Franklin Graham on Donald Trump: 'Maybe This Guy's Right'

WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]4/22/2011 4:38:35 pm PDT

re: #146 recusancy

That’s what I hate. The nihilists who’ve just given up and say fuck it to everything. I understand it’s easy to fall into but it’s lazy.

If I get cancer, what should I do?

Should I throw a fit every day, even though it does nothing?

or should I just go, yup! Cancer! back to work! Drawings to make, band to put together, music to write, movin’ on

i feel like America is cancerous. And that’s very specifically chosen language. We let these people we see now, grow and fester. The GOp didn’t treat the tumor. Now it’s malignant. Now the cancer is running for office. Now the racism is open. Now the debt ceiling is a political football. Might as well be the captain on a jumbo jet going to his passengers. ‘All right, we’re gonna vote on whether we crash this plane into the side of St. helens!”

THAT. is america.

I wonder if we’re going to see some fragmentation of the country in my lifetime. Those water shortages in the south and midwest will end in riots and deaths. Guarateed. texas and Vegas will crumble, and there will be death.

So what do I do? Shiver and worry and fume? or just grab a beer from the fridge and watch what happens with a more neutral demeanor?