
Is the GOP Smarter Than the Animal Kingdom?

Gus8/18/2011 10:13:54 pm PDT

re: #155 ggt

The price of gas is so incredibly complex, to me anyway. I can’t imagine one or two graphs that could explain it. Or show any truly meaninful trends.

People expect all president to have a magic wand. After 9/11 prices started to climb. Bush had nothing to do with setting gasoline prices. Right now, in the previous months, it was ME turmoil. Obama had nothing to do with setting gasoline prices. The amount of oil we could dredge up in the state is negligible and like all commodities it will go to the highest bidder. Domestically produced oil will still be subject to commodities markets pricing. They’re not going to sell it for less. Right now, contrary to what the Republicans are saying, Obama is not standing in the way of Texas oil shale development. The moratorium in the Gulf was put in place for good reason. That moratorium was already lifted late last year.