
Fox News Audience Spews Racial Slurs at Morgan Freeman

Decatur Deb9/23/2011 3:04:36 pm PDT

re: #155 albusteve

just came back from the market, and at an intersection I looked over a saw a cop bust two guys in a car in a small parking lot…one smaller guy fled out the passenger door while the other was pulled out of the drivers seat…the cop pulled out his pistol from a back holster and held it up and away and the two started brawling right there between the two vehicles and then the bad guy had a small pistol…cars all over the intersection and nobody moved…the cop had the guys wrist and they struggled for a couple of seconds…meanwhile the guy that fled turned around to rescue the other one and suddenly the cop was two on one…before the second guy even got back…two dudes jumped out of a plumbing or electric van and ran over, dragged the smaller guy away…the cop kneed the guy over and over and he finally started to crumple and the cop hit him on the back of the head and down he went…I sat there the whole time 20yards away with a perfect view…I’m still shaking…wowzer

Were you the wiseass singing “Bad boys, bad boys…”?