
Women For Herman Cain - The Women Vanish

funky chicken12/02/2011 9:06:00 pm PST

re: #146 freetoken

And yet, what is very clearly emerging from the COP17 process is that the nations that hold most of the world’s hydrocarbon resources - Russia, Canada, US, and KSA - are all working in harmony to make sure that their almost incalculably valuable carbon resources are not taken off the market. With those four countries working together, no matter what any other country does, or all of them together, it will not change the eventual course of CO2 emissions.

Now, the Kabuki theatre that is UN conferences has the US as the bad guy and the Bolivarians as the champions of all people everywhere, but that is just for show of the young (and easily mislead) masses. Even Venezuela is going along with the OPEC stance, which is to prevent anything from affecting their free will to produce oil.

With the money they keep spending on these conferences, green power plants could be built all over the developing world, and dirty power plants that are currently belching poisons could be improved. It is Kabuki theater, and I’m really tired of it.