
Romney Says He's Not Responsible for Bain After 1999

Kragar7/13/2012 5:15:55 pm PDT

Mitt Romney Tries To Regain Offense, Offers Few Details On Bain

“I had no association with the management of Bain Capital after February of 1999,” Romney told ABC News. “That is when I left the firm. I am very pleased with the experience I had with the firm but as everyone knows I went on to run the Olympics for three years. I was there full time. After that I came back and ran in Massachusetts for governor.”

CBS News’s Jan Crawford asked Romney that even if he wasn’t involved in day-to-day operations at Bain, as the listed owner of the company, “Doesn’t the buck stop with you?” Romney insisted he should not be politically liable for anything that happened after 1999.

“Actually, when you leave an enterprise and you have other people who are managing the enterprise, who take responsibility for the investment decisions, who decide who’s going to get hired and fired, who decide compensation decisions, they’re the managers, they’re the people running the business,” Romney said.