
President of NOM Tries to Capitalize on Shooting Incident, Demands Free Pass on Hate

b_sharp8/15/2012 8:03:07 pm PDT

re: #152 SanFranciscoZionist

I’m minded of the time a good friend’s brother and a buddy of his, both straight, went on a long pub crawl in San Francisco. They were in their early twenties at the time, and I should mention that Brother looks like something out of a torrid romance set in the Scottish Highlands. Big, stunning, redheaded guy.

They ended up in front of a place called the Wooden Horse around midnight. “Looks like our kind of place!” said Buddy. In they went.

They were at the bar before their vision quite adjusted, and they could see the art on the walls. “Maybe…not our kind of place…” said Buddy.

Then the bartender told them that the drinks had been paid for by a gentleman (who had apparently spotted Brother), and they decided it was their kind of place after all, and had a grand night.

This is apropos of absolutely nothing, but it does indicate that you can sometimes get free drinks if you’re not a homophobic nervous non-Nelly.

Gay guys can’t force you to have sex just by being gay.