
Why Don't TV Weathermen Believe in Climate Change?

iceweasel1/31/2010 12:37:24 am PST

re: #1601 TheMatrix31

We’re not “back to anything”. I personally think it’s shitty that you say that I’m a racist or have made racist comments, and that I have “trouble with women” then aren’t able to back them up with actual quotes. You always push for people to show you quotes and posts. Sometimes people do and sometimes people don’t. I don’t like my words being twisted and my identity falsely represented—especially when it comes to two things as serious as such.

C’mon Matrix. You know you’ve made a number of comments here about women in LA.
The only reason I’m not digging your old comments up is because I believe 1) you know perfectly well what you’ve said, and 2) I think it’s kinda shitty for me to go dumpsterdiving and haul that shit out.
You can pretend this means I’m being ‘unfair’ to you or ‘misrepresnting’ you, just like you want to pretend there was nothing at all wrong with your comments to me in this thread, but a non-troll and non-shitstirrer would let this drop now. Kinda like I’ve given you a pass for a while now on the various comments you made about me (and Jimmah) in this thread.