
GOHMERT! With Special Guest GLENN BECK!

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)10/02/2013 10:48:34 pm PDT

But more seriously I applaud the Bushes here. I’ll admit. Never thought much of them really and I don’t think H.W Bush can be totally forgiven for giving into the Atwater wing and running the Horton ad but as an ex-president, I think he and the wife have been admirable and politics aside, I think he’s a decent enough guy. I wish their son would apologize for using GLBT Americans as a political tool to help his re-election. The anti-gay marriage referedums that year is what really showed me what nasty bigots the GOP can be. I think we’re going to find out eventually that many GOP leaders were anti-gay just to get votes like many old time Southern politicians used to exploit race to get elected. Not condoning it, in fact strongly condemning it since it’s even worse in my book to pander to bigotry than to be the real thing in politics.