
Right Wing Bloggers Immediately Started Portraying the Kansas Neo-Nazi Shooter as a "Democrat"

Blind Frog Belly White4/14/2014 5:06:02 pm PDT

re: #155 klys

The problem is, in our judicial system, the burden is on the prosecution. Not the defense.

Hence the need for a preponderance of evidence required to preclude “reasonable doubt.”

Particularly in a case like this where I suspect a prosecutor has to be aware of the potential for jury nullification playing a role.

Sure, we can agitate that he should be arrested, but what I would really like to see is him arrested, charged, and convicted so that he loses his right to that gun in the future. Those pictures, although suggestive, are probably not sufficient by themselves to produce that result in a court of law, which is the one that matters for that particular result.

That being said, they certainly warrant further investigation and I am sure that federal agents are doing so.

We are to a great extent waving hands here, in the absence of knowing what the law states. I am not aware of anything in the law that ALLOWS any citizen to point a loaded (check the profile pics) at LEOs in performance of their duties. Come to that, I’m not aware that the law allows you to point a weapon at ANYONE from such a position of concealment.

Seriously, you see your neighbor sticking a rifle barrel out his window at people on the street, do you really think the law allows it right up till he pulls the trigger?