
Saturday Morning Podcast: The Bubble Genius Bob & Chez Show, With Yours Truly

Shiplord Kirel: From behind wingnut lines10/24/2015 1:09:36 pm PDT

Insane bigot meltdown at Free Republic over Oklahoma State crash:
Two Dead After Car Runs Into A Crowd At Oklahoma State’s Homecoming Parade

This is the very first response:

My first thought is sudden Jihad syndrome. OSU and KU have to play a game after all this. Stillwater is a close community and this kind of thing affects everyone.

Suspicious geography:

I graduated from OSU. I think the Muslim center is just north of HOF on Washington. Twitter reports say it’s a 20 something female.

Freeper X-purt is even more succinct:

Allah. (complete message)

This one was posted well after the arrested driver had been identified and her Facebook page posted:

This is a signature muslim jihad method.
There are a number of instances already here in the US.

There have been a number of these signature muslim attacks in Israel the last few weeks.

Friday prayers a few hours ago called for these attacks worldwide - that includes the US.

But you already know all this don’t you? (emphasis in post)