
Ted Cruz Suggests "Duck Dynasty's" Phil Robertson as UN Ambassador

Blind Frog Belly White2/19/2016 2:10:32 pm PST

re: #155 Barefoot Grin

Resentful sulking. That our communist could kill the Cuban. // Work with me here.

1. Unless he pulled the trigger/held the pillow himself, they’d say it was the CIA/Military who did it and he gets no credit at all.

2. If he DID do it himself,
A. Castro was already dead, and it was all prearranged as a ploy to increase his popularity so he can take over as Dictator on 20Jan17.


B. It shows you what an dangerously angry black man he is, to murder a new potential ally on the eve of a breakthrough in relations.


C. They were lovers and Castro threatened to tell the world, so Obama killed him.