
Video: John Oliver Turns His Pitiless Yet Hilarious Gaze on Rudy Giuliani

Dr Lizardo5/08/2018 1:53:02 am PDT

Now the original article is in Russia, so this is through Google Translate, but offhand, I’d say this ain’t good:

As the interlocutors of the newspaper note, almost half of the closed shopping centers are small objects built or reconstructed in the 1990s.

The damage from the suspension of the work of shopping ployshadey [I think it failed to translate “shopping centers” properly] can exceed half a billion rubles a month. These figures are the sources of the newspaper.

In some regions, for example, in the Khabarovsk Territory, entrepreneurs plan to hold protests in connection with the actions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

March 25 in the “Winter Cherry” was a major fire, which killed 64 people, including 41 children. According to eyewitnesses, the alarm did not work, some people were cut off from the fire and tried to get out of the shopping center through the windows.

After the tragedy in the Ministry of Emergency Situations they said that they would check all Russian shopping centers, and Rosgvardia intends to inspect five thousand private security companies (PPCs).

According to the data for mid-April, in the middle of objects with mass prebyvaeniem [perhaps this is supposed to be “occupancy”] people in Russia found violations of fire safety requirements.

Original here: