
Wild New Video From Black Midi: "Sugar/Tzu"

Hecuba's daughter7/14/2022 9:14:35 am PDT

From an article in the NY Times:

Last month, Gov. Charlie Baker of Massachusetts went further. He said that the state might “encourage” companies in places that have severely curtailed reproductive rights to relocate to Massachusetts, where access to abortion is readily available. The laws protecting reproductive freedom, in fact, are some of the strongest in the country. Should certain businesses take him up on his offer, they would presumably bring their employees with them.

The danger is not just that Austin, or Nashville, or Lawton, Okla., won’t attract certain people; it is also that others will simply choose to leave those places behind. As one concerned friend in Alabama put it to me last week, the threat of the “brain drain is real.” The likelihood of superstar cities like New York and Boston only digging deeper into talent hoarding is just as problematic.

Charlie Baker is an example of a red governor in a blue state that does take rights seriously; Youngkin is an example of a red governor in a bluish state that is working to turn the state red.